Stop Technology Abuse
Technology, Coercive Control and Domestic Abuse
JUNE 16 2023

Technology, Coercive Control and Domestic Abuse: What To Watch Out For

Technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, offering countless benefits and conveniences. However, as technology advances, so do the methods of control and abuse. Domestic abuse has found new avenues to perpetuate itself through the misuse of technology. In this article, we explore the dark side of technology, specifically focusing on how it can enable coercive control in domestic abuse situations and provide guidance on what to watch out for.

Understanding Coercive Control

Coercive control refers to a pattern of behavior used by an abuser to dominate and manipulate their partner, exerting control over various aspects of their life. It involves a range of tactics aimed at isolating, demeaning, and intimidating the victim, ultimately stripping away their autonomy and freedom. While technology itself is not inherently abusive, it can be weaponized in the hands of an abuser to perpetrate coercive control.

Digital Coercive Control: Forms and Tactics

  1. Monitoring and Surveillance: Abusers may exploit technology to monitor their partner's activities, both online and offline. This can involve constantly checking their text messages, call logs, social media accounts, and even installing tracking apps on their devices. GPS tracking and the use of hidden cameras are also employed to maintain constant surveillance, leaving victims with a pervasive sense of being watched and controlled.

  2. Online Harassment and Stalking: The digital realm provides abusers with numerous opportunities to harass and stalk their victims. They may create fake social media profiles to harass or threaten their partner or to gain access to their personal information. Posting intimate pictures or videos without consent, known as revenge porn, is another malicious tactic used to degrade and control the victim.

  3. Isolation and Manipulation: Abusers may exploit technology to isolate their partner from friends, family, and support networks. They may monitor or control their social media interactions, restrict access to online resources, or manipulate online communication to cut off connections outside the abusive relationship. By doing so, the abuser creates a dependence on themselves, making it difficult for the victim to seek help or escape the situation.

  4. Financial Control: Technology can be utilized as a tool for financial control, granting abusers the means to restrict access to financial resources. This can involve controlling bank accounts, tracking expenses, or even using technology to manipulate employment opportunities. By exerting control over the victim's financial independence, the abuser further solidifies their power and control over the relationship.

Recognizing the Warning Signs

Recognizing the signs of technology-enabled coercive control is crucial for both victims and their loved ones. Here are some red flags to watch out for:

  1. Constant monitoring or insistence on sharing passwords for personal devices and accounts.

  2. Unexplained changes in online behavior, such as sudden withdrawal from social media or a reluctance to engage in online communication.

  3. Frequent invasion of privacy, such as an abuser knowing personal details that were not explicitly shared.

  4. Unwanted or threatening messages from unknown or suspicious online profiles.

  5. Unusual restrictions on internet and phone usage, such as being denied access to personal devices or accounts.

  6. Pressure to share intimate images or engage in explicit online activities against one's will.

Seeking Help and Taking Action

If you suspect that you or someone you know is experiencing technology-enabled coercive control, it is important to take action. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Trust your instincts: If something feels off or you notice concerning signs, take them seriously.

  2. Reach out for support: Confide in a trusted friend, family member, or professional who can provide guidance and assistance.

  3. Secure your devices: Regularly update passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and ensure your privacy settings are properly configured.

  4. Document evidence: Preserve any evidence of abuse, including screenshots, messages, or any other relevant information that can support your case.

  5. Report the abuse: Contact local law enforcement, domestic violence hotlines, or organizations specializing in domestic abuse such as WomenSV to seek help and guidance.

While technology offers numerous benefits to society, it is crucial to remain vigilant about its potential misuse in the context of domestic abuse. Recognizing the signs of technology-enabled coercive control is a critical step towards providing support and intervention for victims. By staying informed, raising awareness, and taking appropriate action, we can work towards creating a safer digital landscape and supporting those affected by domestic abuse.